The Catholic Parishes in Waterloo welcome adult and young adult Catholics who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation. Although it may be celebrated at different times, Confirmation "seals" or completes the on-going process of initiation and conversion begun in Baptism and sustained through the Eucharist. For individuals who were baptized as infants or young children, Confirmation provides a sacramental opportunity to affirm the commitment made on their behalf by parents and Godparents at the time of their Baptism.
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "Preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit – his actions, his gifts, and his biddings – in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. To this end catechesis for Confirmation should strive to awaken a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church as well as the parish community. The latter bears special responsibly for the preparation of Confirmands" (#1309).
There are a variety of reasons why an adult or young adult Catholic may want to be Confirmed.
• The most important one is that an individual wishes to "confirm" his or her allegiance to the Catholic faith and their participation in the Catholic faith community as an adult person. This may be a decision which the individual was unable or unwilling to make at a younger age.
• In addition, an adult or young adult Catholic may anticipate taking on more responsibilities in the Catholic faith community. In some parishes Catholics are required to be confirmed before they can be married in the Church. According to universal Church law, a Catholic must be confirmed in order to serve as a Godparent, Confirmation sponsor, or Eucharistic minister, or hold designated positions in parish leadership.
The Catholic Parishes in Waterloo offer a variety of opportunities for adults and young adults who wish to prepare for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Immediate Preparation. The parishes offer a preparation process for adults or young adults who are at least 19 years old, have been baptized and celebrated First Communion, completed religious formation in a Catholic school or parish faith formation program, and be actively participating in the spiritual and sacramental life of the Church. This preparation process is offered on a individual basis at a time which is convenient for the individual.
• What Does the Church Expect of Me?
• What If I Consider Myself 'Spiritual' But Not 'Religious'?
• What If I Disagree With Some of the Church's Teaching?
Learn More
• Confirmation (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
• The Sacrament of Confirmation
• Confirmation--It's History and Development
• What Happens at Confirmation (Video)
• 8 Things You Need to Know About Confirmation
• Seven Ways to Make Your Confirmation Life-Changing
• Gifts of the Holy Spirit
• What Catholics Believe
• • •
Last Update: 08.08.22