Here is a list of online calendars, prayers, retreats and reflections which you might find helpful in your spiritual journey during Advent.
Please Note: Many organizations do not post their annual Advent resources until Advent
begins. We will update these links as quickly as possible. Please contact us if you find
a broken or outdated link.
Advent Calendar (Grotto Network 2017)
Advent Calendar (Catholic Radio and Television Network 2020)
Advent Calendar "Sharing Hope" (Irish Bishops Conference 2022)
Advent Online Calendar (BustedHalo 2023)
Digital Advent Calendar (America Magazine 2018)
Digital Advent and Christmas Calendar (McGrath Institute 2023)
Daily Advent Calendar (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 2023)
Advent Online Calendar (Catholic Relief Services 2023)
Adult Online Advent Calendar (Loyola Press 2023)
Children's Online Advent Calendar (Loyola Press 2023)
Interactive Advent Calendar (Catholic Health Association 2020)
Interactive Advent Calendar (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development 2023)
Liturgical Advent Calendar (Renew 2021)
Advent Wreath Prayers (Dynamic Catholic 2021)
Blessing of an Advent Wreath (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Blessings and Prayers for the Advent Wreath (Catholic Culture)
Blessing for the Waiting. Jan Richardson (The Painted Prayerbook)
Blessing of a Christmas Crib or Manger Scene (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Blessing of a Christmas Tree (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Blessing of a Christmas Tree (Book of Blessings)
Litany for Advent Candle Lighting (Leading in Worship)
Musical Advent Calendar (Naxos)
Prayer Around a Nativity Scene (Catholic Relief Services)
Prayer for Lighting Christmas Lights (Catholic Relief Services)
Prayer Service for Lighting the Christmas Tree (Catholic Cincinnati)
Prayer While Wrapping Gifts (Catholic Doors)
Busy Catholic's Online Advent Retreat (Catholic Parishes in Waterloo)
A Lesson in Waiting Advent Retreat (BustedHalo 2020)
Advent and Christmas Prayers (Catholic Relief Services)
Advent A to Z email series (Ignatian Spirituality 2020)
Advent Arts and FaithReflections (Loyola Press)
Advent Book Discussion/Life of the Beloved (Henri Nouwen Society)
Advent Adventure in Prayer. (Jesuits in Britain. 2023)
Advent Credo. Allan Boesak Advent Credo(Journey With Jesus. 2024)
Advent Day of Recollection/A Shard of Light in the Darkness (Creighton University 2014)
The Advent Door. Jan Richardson
Advent Evening of Reflection/Dec. 8 (God In All Things)
Advent Examen (Ignatian Spirituality)
Advent Examen--Five Part Series (Thinking Faith 2018)
Advent Examen Series (Jesuits of Britain)
Advent Examen Series (Pathways to God)
Advent Examination of Conscience (Work of the People 2005)
Advent Journeys for LGBTQ Catholics (New Ways Ministry 2021)
Advent Litanies (Godspace 2021)
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Advent Novena (Dynamic Catholic 2021)
Advent Podcasts and Reflections (Jesuits of the Eastern Province 2012)
Advent Prayer (Catholic Relief Services)
Advent Prayers (Loyola Press)
An Advent Prayer to Be Like Mary (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 2024)
An Advent Prayer to See Jesus in Others (U.S. Conference of Bishops 2024)
Advent Reflections (Contemplative Home 2018ff)
Advent Reflections by Dan Schutte
Advent Reflections by Dan Schutte (National Catholic Reporter 2020)
Advent Reflections from Women Doctors of the Church (Our Sunday Visitor 2020)
Advent Retreat (Central and Southern Province of Jesuits)
Advent Retreat: Mary, Model of Hope (RCL Benzinger 2020)
Advent Retreat: Spiritual Imagination and the Nativity (Loyola Spirituality Center)
Advent Stations (
Advent Virtual Retreat (Busted Halo 2020)
An Advent Attitude (Henri Nouwen)
An Illuminated Advent Retreat 2023 (The Painted Prayerbook)
And He Is Named (Ignatian Audio Meditations 2022)
Advent Spiritual Exercise--Five Ways to Prepare the Way of the Lord (Catholic Link)
An In-Between Season for an In-Between People (Where Peter Is 2024)
Answering God's Call This Advent. (Ignatian Spirituality 2021)
Audio reflections on the Nativity (Pathway to God)
Blessing of Night (Catholic Rural Life)
Celebrate Advent Through Art (National Catholic Reporter 2022)
Christmas Day Retreat (Pray As You Go 2021)
Creche-a-Day Email Reflection Series (McGrath Center 2021)
Cry from the Manger Interasctive Retreat (Pray As You Go 2023)
Daily Advent Retreat (Ignatian Spirituality Center, Glasglow 2023)
Daily Reflections on the 12 Days of Christmas (Aleteia 2020)
Discerning Advent Series. Andy Otto (God In All Things 2018)
Discover the Jesse Tree—a Hidden Gem for Advent (Our Sunday Visitor 2023)
Entering Advent in Hope. Daniel Berrigan SJ (Interupting the Silence. 2019)
Five Tips for a More Spiritual Advent (BustedHalo. 2017)
Follow the Star/Online Retreat for Epiphany. (Abbey of the Arts 2020)
Four Haikus for Advent (LaCroix 2024)
Four Weeks to Christmas/Advent Cycle 3 Readings (Thinking Faith 2020)
God With Us--A Short Advent Retreat (Dan Schutte SJ 2022)
The Holy Ache of Advent. Michael Sanem. (Incarnation Is Everywhere 2018)
Holy Cross Advent Virtual Retreats. (Congregation of the Holy Cross. 2022)
An Ignatian Journey Through Advent. (God In All Things. 2023)
Ignite the Light Advent & Epiphany Reflections (Interfaith Immigration Coalition 2019)
Imagine Advent Imaginative Prayer Series (God in All Things 2023)
Imaginative Prayer Exercises Advent/Cycle A (Ignatian Spirituality)
Imaginative Prayer Exercises Advent/Cycle B (Ignatian Spirituality)
Imaginative Prayer Exercises Advent/Cycle C (Ignatian Spirituality)
Immagining the Nativity Guided Meditations (Pray As You Go 2022)
Jesse Tree Reflections (Aleteia 2020)
Jesse Tree Daily Advent Reflections (Loyola Press 2021)
Journeying with the Magi (Sacred Space/Pray As You Go 2015)
Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary Reflections (Catholic Relief Services)
Learning from St. Clare This Advent (BustedHalo 2021)
A Lesson in Waiting Advent Retreat (BustedHalo 2021)
Look Back to Look Forward in Advent (Ignatian Spirituality 2022)
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe (Catholics Online)
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe (Diocese of Colorado Springs)
The O-Antiphons Series (Thinking Faith)
O-Antiphone Reflections (Salt & Light Media)
Pray As You Go Advent Retreat/"Nearness of God" (Sacred Space 2020) Spanish
Pray As You Go Advent Retreat/"Dwelling With God" (Sacred Space 2018) Spanish
Pray As You Go Advent Retreat/"Journeying With the Magi" (Sacred Space 2015) Spanish
Pray More Advent Retreat. (2022)
Pray the O-Antiphons e-book (McGrath Institute for Church Life 2020)
Pray With Our Foremothers in Faith This Advent (Busted Halo 2023)
Praying Advent (Creighton University Online Ministries)
Reimagining Advent with the Examen (Loyola Press. 2023)
Retreat in Daily Life for Advent (London Jesuit Centre 2023)
Simply Advent Series (Ignatian Spirituality)
Small Simple Ways Weekly Advent Retreat (Ignatian Spirituality)
Jesse Tree video and weekly reflections (Loyola Press)
Journeying With the Magi online Advent retreat (Sacred Space)
Lectio Divino for Advent (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) x
A Lesson in Waiting Advent Retreat (Busted Halo)
Prepare Your Heart for Advent (Busted Halo 2023)
Sacred Advent Daily Prayer (Loyola Press)
St. Andrew Novena (Nov. 30-Dec. 24)--a Prayerful Preparation for Christmas
Small Simple Ways Advent Retreat (Ignatian Spirituality 2020)
Stepping Beyond Advent Retreat (Pray As You Go 2021)
Ten Meaningful Advent Traditions (Busted Halo 2021)
Thought for the Day (Pathway to God)
Twenty-Five Days of Advent in Action (U.S. Catholic)
Virtual Posada (Ignatian Solidarity Network 2021)
Weekly Sunday Reflections (U.S. Catholic 2020)
Women's Christmas Retreat (Jan Richardson. Archive)
Pray With These Seven Advent/Christmas Carol Quotes (Catholic Link)
Discerning Advent podcasts (God In All Things)
Advent Calendar for Migrants and Refugees (Vatican) x
Advent Devotions (Interfaith Immigration Coalition)
Advent Guide (Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns 2023)
Advent Meditations from Laudato Si (EarthBeat 2019)
Advent Reflection Guide (Catholic Volunteer Network 2019)
Advent Series (Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice 2020)
A Time to Be Awake Advent Reflections (Pax Christ USA 2019)
Daily Advent Reflections on Catholic Social Teaching (Jesuit Social Research Institute)
God With Us--A Social Justice Guide for Families (A) ( North Carolina Council of Churches)
Holy Family, Refugee Family Digital Advent Retreat (Catholic Relief Services)
How Long Lord? Advent Devotionals (Christian Reformed Church of North America)
Litany for Advent Candle Lighting (SALT Project)
Reflections on Social Justice for the Advent Season (A) (Episcopal Networks Collaborative)
Virtual Posada (Ignatian Solidarity Network 2020)
Weekly Advent Reflections (Catholic Relief Services)
A Journey Through Advent (Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops 2020)
Advent in Two Minutes (Busted Halo)
Advent Examen. Fr. James Martin SJ (audio)
Advent Examen of God's Coming Presence in Your Life. Andres Scampinello (Faith Foundations)
The Advent Revolution. Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire)
Arts & Faith/Advent. (Loyola Press 2020)
Bishop Barron's Advent Challenge (Word on Fire 2022)
Daily Advent Video Reflections (Catholic Health Association 2020)
The God That Is Coming (Work of the People)
Let Your Soul Shine Daily Reflections (Matthew Kelly/Dynamic Catholic 2021)
Live Advent Well Inspirational Advent podcasts (Aleteia)
Small Simple Ways Advent Online Retreat (audio). Vanita Hampton Wright (Ignatian Spirituality)
The Spirituality of Advent. Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire)
10 Videos to Add Beauty to Your Advent (Salt & Light Media)
Weekly Sunday Reflections (U.S. Catholic 2020)
Weekly Advent Reflections (Catholic Health Association 2021)
Weekly Advent Video Series (Loyola Press 2020)
--Advent Is Coming. Joe Paprocki
--Waiting. Tim Muldoon.
--How Does Hope Shape Us? Vinita Hampton Wright.
--Mary Receiving Jesus Into Her Arms. Becky Eldridge.
--What's Unique About Advent. Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire)
Advent Playlist (Hank Center, Loyola University 2020)
Advent Playlist (Christianity Today 2022)
Advent Piano Hymns (Sacred Piano Meditations)
Advent Is Our Story Playlist (God In All Things)
American Masters Holiday Playlist (PBS 2021)
How Advent Music Prepares Us for Christmas (National Catholic Register)
Advent Music Playlist (Catholic Health Association)
Advent Music Playlist (Our Sunday Visitor)
Advent Playlist of Classical Hymns (America 2020)
Best Advent Hymns and Music (BBC Music Magazine)
Celtic Advent Playlist (Spotify 2021)
Christmas Music Playlist (Grotto Network)
A Very Merry Christmas Playlist (Grotto Network)
Contenporary Catholic's Advent Playlist (U.S. Catholic 2021)
A Conventional Advent Playlist (America 2021)
An Unconventional Advent Playlist (America 2020)
FAvorite Festive Music for Christmas (BBC Music Magazine)
Hark! The History behind favorite Christmas carols (America/podcast)
Hymns at Home This Christmas (Salt & Light Media 2021)
John the Baptist Music Playlist (Grotto Network)
Music for Advent (Spotify)
Nine New Christmas Albums for 2019 (Aleteia)
St. Nicholas Music Playlist (Grotto Network)
Songs for the Advent Season (McGrath Center 2020)
Ten Advent Songs to Remind You It Isn't Christmas (Focus on Campus)
Visitation Music Playlist (Grotto Network)
Advent Adventures (Holy Heroes)
Advent Adventures--Daily Advent Videos for Children (Pray As You Go 2023)
Celebrate Advent With Children. (Plough)
DIY Advent Calendar (Dynamic Catholic 2021)
The Examen and Holiday Family Time (Ignatian Spirituality)
Four Ways to Celebrate Advent As a Domestic Church (McGrath Institute 2020)
A Family Survival Guide to a Fairly Happy Holiday. Leslie Scanlon (U.S. Catholic)
God Is In the Midst of Holiday Anxiety (U.S. Catholic 2024)
How Advent Can Live In Our Homes (National Catholic Register 2020)
Nine Ways for Children to Make Advent a Time of Waiting (Aleteia 2020)
Road to Bethlehem (FORMED 2020)
Seven Ways to Live Advent as a Family (National Catholic Register 2024)
Ten Advent Traditions to Try This Year (BustedHalo)
12 Children's Books for Advent (Aleteia 2020)
Frequently Asked Questions About Advent. Pat McCloskey OFM (Franciscan Media)
Ten Things to Know about Advent (National Catholic Register)
Advent--How to Make It Worth the Waiting. Alicia Marland (U.S. Catholic)
Advent--A Time of Listening. Sr. Margret Atkins (Thinking Faith)
Advent--Waiting in Darkness. Fr. Richard Rohr (Franciscan Media)
Advent Again--Time for Practicing Hope. Virginia Hampton Wright (Ignatian Spirituality)
Advent and the Nature of the Church. Fr. Steve Grunow (Word on Fire)
Advent and the Return of the King--the O-Antiphons. Fr. Steve Grunow (Word on Fire)
Advent Assures Us That Hope Is Not a Cruel Joke. Michael Gerson (The Washington Post)
Advent Candles Are a Sign of Hope. Fr. Ronald Rolheiser (author’s blog 2023)
Advent Draws Us Toward the Light. P. Gallagher (Jesuits in Britain)
Advent Is a Time for Prophecy--Guide to Advent Scriptures. Andrew Cameron-Mowat (Thinking Faith 2008)
An Advent Narrative. Dominic Robinson SJ (Thinking Faith)
An Advent Attitude. Henri Nouwen
Advent Readings from America Magazine (America)
Advent Readings from Thinking Faith (Thinking Faith)
Advent Sermons to the Papal Household. Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
Advent and the Jewish Prophets. Dawn Beutner. (Catholic World Report 2021)
Advent's Surprise for Us. Emily Lund (Faith & Leadership. 2023)
Advent's Unanswered Questions. Teresa White FCJ (Thinking Faith)
Anticipating Christmas. Edward Hayes (Haystack Blog. 2014)
Birth Announcements--Examining the Infancy Narratives. Sr. Laurie Brink OP (U.S. Catholic)
Catholic Saints of Advent. Jack Wintz (Franciscan Media)
The Challenge of the Incarnation. Sarah Broscombe (Thinking Faith)
Change How You Pray This Advent. Patrick Hyland SJ (The Jesuit Post 2021)
A Child By Any Other Name--Isaiah's Titles for the Messiah. Karen Eliason (Thinking Faith 2015)
Christmas Readings from Thinking Faith (Thinking Faith)
A Collection of Advent Poems. Shemaiah Gonzalez. (Catholic News Service 2020)
Contemplation on the Incarnation. Daniel Ruff SJ. (Ignatian Spirituality)
--Part 1: The Trinity Looks Down From Heaven.
--Part 2: Mary's Human Response.
Creativity and Healing in Advent. Virginia Hampton Wright (dotmagis)
Don't Rush Through Advent Waiting. Matt Paolelli (U.S. Catholic 2020)
The Essential Heart of Advent Prayer. Joseph Guido. (McGrath Institute 2020)
Expectant Waiting--Advent Teaches Us to Dwell In Hope. Jacob Riyeff (Commonweal)
A Guided Tour Through Advent. Carolyn Ancell (Franciscan Media)
Fear and Pregnancy During Advent. Vanessa Gonzalez Kraft (Busted Halo)
Finding God in What Is Tender and Small. Marina Berzins McCoy (Ignatian Spirituality)
Five Tips for a More Spiritual Advent. Elizabeth Manneh (BustedHalo)
Four Weeks to Christmas--People and Places in Scripture. Peter Edmonds SJ (Thinking Faith 2020)
The Greatest Story Never Foretold--Advent Scripture Readings. Pauline Viviano (U.S. Catholic)
He Came All So Still--the Secret of the Incarnation. Sr. Teresa White (Thinking Faith 2017)
He Is Right Here. Shemaiah Gonzalez. (Ignatian Spirituality 2024)
The Holiness of Time. Fr. Alex Roche (Where Peter Is 2021)
How Mary Invites Us Into Silent Contemplation During Advent. (BustedHalo 2020)
How to Find Advent in the Christmas Chaos. Annemarie Scobey-Polachek (U.S. Catholic)
Jesus Comes Everyday--Are We Ready to Welcome Him? Julian Papparella (Salt & Light Media)
Jesus Showed Up--Contemplating the Incarnation. Eric Immel SJ (The Jesuit Post 2021)
John the Baptist in Advent. Peter Edmonds SJ (Thinking Faith)
Let the Psalms Be Your Guide This Advent. Courtney Reissig (Christianity Today)
The Long History of Christmas Gift-Giving (LaCroix International)
Looking Back to Look Forward in Advent. Marina Berzins McCoy (Ignatian Spirituality)
Make Room for a Future Without Fear. Alice Camille (America 2021)
The Meaning of Advent in a Broken World. Daniel Horan OFM. (National Catholic Reporter 2023)
The Nativity Scene Is Absurd--That's What Makes It Great. Alex Garcia-Rivera (U.S. Catholic 2020)
Nine Things You Can Do to Have a More Meaningful Advent (Aleteia)
The O-Antiphons--Soothing Balm for Traumas. Karen Eliasen (Thinking Faith)
O Oriens--Light and Dark in Advent. Theodora Hawksley. (Thinking Faith)
Open Some Doors This Advent. Sr. Joyce Rupp (U.S. Catholic)
Preparing to Prepare--What You Need for Advent (Catholic Link)
The Promise of Advent Shines Bright in Our Darkness. (National Catholic Reporter 2023)
Rediscover Wonder Through the Nativity Scene. Kelly Deehan (McGrath Institute 2020)
Simply Advent. Vinita Hamptom Wright (Ignatian Spirituality 2020)
Six Simple Ways to Enrich Your Advent Season. Christina Antus (Busted Halo)
Six Ways to Keep Your Advent Holy. (National Catholic Register)
The Man Who Was A Lamp (John the Baptist). John Shea.
Thirteen Traditions for Keeping a
This Advent, Take a Lesson from Thomas Merton. Steven Milles (U.S. Catholic)
Thoughts on Mary During Advent. Caitlin Kennell Kim (Busted Halo)
Three Advent REflections for Queer Catholics. Jim McDermott (U.S. Catholic 2023)
Three Characteristics of Advent Waiting. Marina McCoy (Ignatian Spirituality)
Three Ways to Create Sacred Moments at Home This Advent. Traci Smith (The Christian Century. 2020)
'Tis the Season Where Desolation and Consolation Reside Side-by-Side. Debra Dean Murphy (The
Christian Century)
Twelve-Step Advent Examen. Fr. Terrance Klein (America)
25 Days of Advent In Action. Molly Jo Rose (U.S. Catholic)
Unwrap the Gifts of Advent. Joan Chitistter (U.S. Catholic)
Walking With Mary. Loretta Pehanich (Ignatian Spirituality)
Wandering Through Advent. Matt Litton (Busted Halo)
Watching With Spiritual Eyes in Advent Fr. Joshua Whitfield. (Our Sunday Visitor 2023)
Welcome Jesus Through Acts of Radical Solidarity. LLaryssa Herrington (U.S. Catholic 2023)
What Child Is This? Megan McKenna (U.S. Catholic)
What We Can Learn from Advent's Elderly Heroes--Simeon and Anna. Jeff Peabody. (Christianity Today
The Word in Advent (Cycle A). Barbara Lee (Loyola Press)
Three Ways to Create Sacred Moments
Why Christmas Makes No Sense Without Advent. Philip Rushton. (Intersect. Dec. 11, 2012)
Why Do We Read So Much from the Prophet Isaiah During Advent? Fr. Joe Scott (Busted Halo)
Why I Need Advent. Kadee Smedley. (Kolbee Times 2019)x
Why Mary's Magnificat Is the Perfect Advent Prayer. Kenneth Craycraft (Our Sunday Visitor 1023)
Why Wait for Christmas? Fr. Neil Xavier O'Donoghue (Pray Tell)
Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide (Busted Halo 2024)
Best Catholic Christmas Gift Guide (Catholic Link 2020)
Christmas Gift Guide (Our Sunday Visitor 2023)
Christmas Gift Ideas (Catholics on Line)
Grotto Community's Small Business Gift Guide (Grotto Network)
Guide to Fair-Trade and Religious Gifts (Waterloo Catholics)
Holiday Gift Guide (Religion News Service 2024)
Last Minute Gift Guide (National Catholic Register 2024)
Religious Goods Guide (Waterloo Catholics 2024)
Six Sustainable Gift Ideas for the Holidays (Grotto Network 2023)
Related Links
• Advent Family Guide
• Advent Devotions and Customs
• Ten Meaningful Advent Traditions
• Schedule of Advent Confessions in the Waterloo Parishes
• Schedule of Christmas Services in the Waterloo Parishes
• More Advent Resources
[Last Update: 11.11.24