1) How would you describe your Alpha experience?
2) What was most meaningful for you?
3) Do you have any concerns about your experience of Alpha or the Alpha program in
4) What do you still long for in your life? What remains unanswered? Unfulfilled?
5) Which of the following areas need some attention in your life?
___ Knowledge of Catholic faith & practice
___ Knowledge of Scripture
___ Personal faith & spirituality
___ Living our faith in the world
___ Connection to a faith community
___ Sharing the faith with others
___ Social justice and outreach
6) Is there a particular program or formation opportunity that you know of that you
definitely would like to participate in?
Learn More:
> Download this page as a worksheet here.
> Find a guide to After-Alpha opportunities in the Waterloo parishes here.
[Last Update: 08.25.20]