This is a six-part series designed for life-long Catholics, recent converts, and Catholic seekers who want to renew or expand their basic understanding of the bible. This program will review what Catholics believe about the origin, development and structure of the Bible, the nature of biblical revelation, the basic themes of the Old and New Testaments, and the use of the Bible in Catholic worship and prayer.
This opportunity is available at various times throughout the year on a day and time chosen by the participants
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Part One - Introduction
This session will provide a general overview of how the bible is organized, the types of literature which it contains, when, how and why it was written, development of the English.
Part Two - Old Testament/I
Part Three - Old Testament/II
These two sessions will provide a general overview of the Old Testament and major Old Testament themes such as creation, faith, liberation, exile, and preparation for the Messiah. It will review the major events and people of the Old Testament and how they lead to the coming of Jesus Christ.
Part Four - New Testament/I
This session will provide a general overview of the four Gospels and what they reveal to us about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ between his birth and death on the cross. It will review foundational concepts such as gospel, parables, miracles, the incarnation and atonement.
Part Five - New Testament/II
This session will provide a general overview of the early community’s experience of the risen Christ. It will review key events such as the resurrection and ascension, Pentecost, the growth and organization of the early Christian communities as revealed in the letters of Paul
Part Six - Conclusion
This will provide a general overview of how the bible shapes the everyday life of the Catholic faith community. It will review the Book of Revelation and the concept of eschatology; the Catholic understanding of revelation; the relationship between Revelation and Tradition; the role of scripture in liturgy and in private prayer and devotion.