Our annual Lenten Enrichment Series for adults and young adults of all ages will explore various forms of prayer from the wide treasury of prayer forms in the Catholic Christian tradition. Each week we will examine or experience three different forms of prayer, some traditional and some contemporary. This is a timely opportunity for anyone who wants to enrich or jump-start their personal prayer life. The series is free and open to the public. No pre-registration required. Attend every week or when you can.
Read more. • No pre-registration required.
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Lenten Faith-Sharing Groups for Young Adults
Meet at various times and locations, starting the week of Feb. 22.
Here's a special opportunity for young adults, ages 18-39, to meet and share their faith during the Lenten season. There will be four faith-sharing groups for young adults, meeting once a week for six weeks at various times throughout the week. The topics for the groups are:
• The Sunday Scripture Readings
• The Theology of the Body
• The Temperament God Gave You
• Perspectives on Marriage and Family
These groups are limited to young adults, married or single, ages 18-39.
Register Online.
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Busy Catholic’s Guide to Lent
Monday, February 16. 7:00-8:00pm. Rectory Classroom, Sacred Heart Parish.
This is an opportunity for Catholic adults and young adults who want to participate more intentionally in this important liturgical season. We will review the origin and purpose of the Lent, various components of Lenten observance today, traditional Lenten devotions like the Stations of the Cross, and opportunities for Lenten study and prayer in the local community. Free. Open to the public.
Read more. • No pre-registration required.
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Lenten Video Series “Priest, Prophet, King”
Monday Evenings: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23. 6:30-8:00pm. Rectory Classroom, Sacred Heart Parish.
This five-week video series, created and narrated by the popular Catholic evangelist Fr. Robert Barron, examines Jesus' role and mission as the Son of God and the Incarnate Word who, in his own unique way, fulfills the Old Testament's expectation for a Messiah who is priest, prophet, and king. This is a powerful introduction to our own role as disciples who follow in the way of Jesus. $20 per person; $35 for couples; $15 for seniors age 65 and older, payable at the door. Open to the public. Pre-registration required.
Register online.
Saturday Mornings, Starting February 21. 9:00-10:00am. Sacred Heart Parish
These prayer and faith-sharing groups will meet once a week during Lent to pray, reflect, and learn. Separate groups for men and women will examine some of the important themes in Pope Francis's Apostolic Exhortation,
The Joy of the Gospel. There will be an option, for those who wish, to continue meeting for prayer and reflection on a regular basis after Lent. Open to the public. Pre-registration requested.
Register online.
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Bridges to Contemplative Living for Lent and Holy Week
Sunday Evenings, 6:00-8:00pm. Starting February 22. Room 1/Chapel Wing, Covenant Medical Center
This opportunity is for adults and young adults who want to learn to slow down and be more reflective. It is adapted especially for the season of Lent from the popular faith-sharing series which uses the writing of Thomas Merton and other contemporary spiritual guides to help participants become more contemplative, reflective and prayerful in the midst of their every lives. $10 book fee. Open to the public. Pre-registration required.
Register online.
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Lenten Bible Study
Saved By His Death
Thursday evenings, 6:30-7:30pm. Starting Feb. 19. St. Patrick Parish Commons, Cedar Falls This opportunity is offered by St. Patrick Parish.
Fr. Dennis Colter, pastor of St. Patrick Parish, will focus on the gospel narratives of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus and how we are saved by the Lord's passion and death. Topics for the six week series: Supper and Agony; Arrest and Trial; Torture and Crucifixion; Death and Burial; Appearances; How Are These Events “Saving”? The series is free and open to the public. Attend any or all of the six sessions. Bring a bible. For information contact St. Patrick Parish Office at 319-266-3523.
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Social Justice Lenten Retreat
“Observing Lent in a Time of Permanent War”
Saturday, February 28. 9:00am-3:00pm. O'Hagan Hall. Sacred Heart Parish, Waterloo
Our annual Social Justice Lenten Retreat is designed to help people of faith focus on the social justice dimension of our Lenten journey to conversion and Gospel living. In this year's retreat, Catholic Worker activist Brian Terrell examines what it means to be Christian and to celebrate the Paschal Mystery in a time when, as former Vice President Dick Cheney warned, war has become a permanent part of the way we live. Open to the public. Pre-registration required. $20.00/person; $15.00/students and seniors; payable at the door [Includes lunch]
Read more.
Register online.
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Our Lenten Mini-Retreat
A Retreat With Pope Francis
Sunday, March 15. 1:00-4:00pm American Martyrs Retreat House, Cedar Falls.
Fr. Anthony Ciorra leads this three-hour video retreat, focusing on the writing, life and ministry of Pope Francis. Participants will gain an insight into the Pope's simplicity, warmth and his emphasis on the heart of the Gospel; in the process they will learn the importance of dialog with one's self, the world, and God--practices which are at the heart of the Pope's spirituality. $10/adults; $5/students payable at the door. (Optional lunch at Noon available for $9.00.) Open to the public. Pre-registration required.
Register online.
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Online Lenten Retreat “The Way of the Lord”
Sunday, March 15 - Saturday, March 21.
This year's online retreat features reflections by Jesuit Fr. John F. Kavanaugh, a powerful and respected teacher and author whose intelligence, love for Christ, and passion for social justice made him a nationally recognized Catholic voice on social, moral and ethical issues. Each daily segment includes a short scripture passage, Fr. Kavanaugh's reflections, questions for personal reflection, and a prayer, plus an opportunity to share and read thoughts from other retreat participants. Participants can access the retreat anytime during the day or night. $5.00 per person. Pre-registration required.
Register online.
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Online Holy Week Retreat “Living Lent With Passion”
Sunday, March 29 - Saturday, April 4.
Pope Francis's most challenging words echo those of Jesus himself, the One who asks rather than commands, that we love God first and then love our neighbors as ourselves. In this online retreat, the Pope’s words are a starting point for daily prayer and reflection during this most solemn time of the Christian year. Each daily segment includes a short quotation from Pope Francis, a related scripture passage, and a thoughtful prayer, plus an opportunity to share and read thoughts from other retreat participants. Participants can access the retreat anytime during the day or night. No charge. Pre-registration required.
Register online.
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Busy Catholic’s Guide to Reconciliation
Sunday, March 22. 2:30-3:30pm Church Hall (lower level), St. Edward Parish
This is opportunity for Catholic adults and young adults who have not celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation recently or others who have questions about how or why Catholics celebrate this sacrament. This session will address practical questions like when and how often Catholics go to confession, what formats are available, how to prepare, and what to say. No registration. A communal celebration of Reconciliation follows for those who wish to participate.
Read more. • No pre-registration required.
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The Spiritual Journey--Centering Prayer
Thursday Evenings, 6:30-7:30pm. Beginning Feb. 19. Youth Center. St. Patrick Parish, Cedar Falls. This opportunity is offered by St. Patrick Parish.
These weekly sessions will include a video presentation about Centering Prayer, followed by 20 minutes of silent prayer. The video features Fr. Thomas Keating OCSO, one of the founders of the contemporary Centering Prayer movement and an acknowledged expert on contemplative living. A good opportunity for practioners of Centering Prayer and for newcomers interested in learning more about it.
• Pre-registration requested. Contact Marie Stigliani at 319-830-7454.
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Lenten Taizé Prayer
Sunday, February 22. 6:00-7:00pm. First Baptist Church, Waterloo.
Sunday, March 22. 6:00-7:00pm. Sacred Heart Church
Taizé Prayer is a distinctive style of meditative prayer developed by an ecumenical community of monks in rural France. This quiet, moving reflective prayer incorporates periods of silence with meditative readings from Scripture, prayers of praise and intercession, and the frequent repetition of simple, contemporary chants based on the Psalms or other parts of Scripture.
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Lenten Lessons and Prayers “A Musical Journey with Christ”
Various Dates and Locations
"Lenten Lessons and Prayers: A Musical Journey with Christ" is a presentation of inspirational music and scriptural narration which shares the story of the life of Jesus with emphasis on the his passion and death. It is a compilation of music woven together with narration based on scripture. The public is invited to attend this musical journey during the Lenten season to experience spiritual renewal. Free. No pre-registration.
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Christian Experience Weekends
For Women: March 6-8, 2015.
For Men: March 20-22, 2015. at Blessed Sacrament Parish. This opportunity is offered by the CEW Community.
The Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) is a spiritual renewal experience for adults and young adults who want to restore or deepen their relationship to Christ and the Christian community. The weekend begins Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon. The experience includes witness talks, small group discussion, an opportunity for individual reflection, prayer, and sacraments.
Read more.
• Registration required. Contact Jean Fagerlind (319-234-0333) or Mike Dudley (319-
296-1192) for information and registration.
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Via Crucis -- Commemoration of the Lord's Passion in Spanish
Good Friday, April 3. 7:00pm Queen of Peace Church, Waterloo
The Latino community at Queen of Peace Parish presents this powerful and evocative commemoration of the Lord's passion and death. In Latino culture,
La Via Crucis dates back to colonial times when Spanish missionaries introduced the devotion to the indigenous population in the Americas. In traditional Latino communities as many people as possible are given roles in the pageant, which dramatizes each of the Stations and concludes with the mock-crucifixion of a young man playing the role of Jesus.
Read More. • No Pre-registration required.