Bridges to Contemplative Living for Advent opens the writings of Thomas Merton in easily digestible pieces and pairs them with the words of other great spiritual thinkers. This discussion series offers participants an accessible introduction to contemplative dialogue built around these compelling themes:
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What Merton Says About Christmas...
The decision to accept Christ as the revelation of God's plan for the world is, then, an inexorable• • •
Who Was Thomas Merton?
Thomas Merton was born in France in 1915. He was baptized in the Catholic Church in 1938 and entered the Cistercian Order as a monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky in 1941. He served as Master of Scholastics and Novices at Gethsemani and wrote numerous books and articles on the spiritual life, inter-religious understanding, peace and social justice. His autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, was published in 1948. In 1968 Merton attended a conference of contemplatives in Thailand, where he was accidentally electrocuted and died at the age of 53.
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Register for Bridges
• By Phone: Call the Faith Formation Center at 319-233-0498.
• By email: dbqwcaf
• Click here to register online.
[Last Update 10.28.20]