Monday Evenings, January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24
6:30-7:30pm. New Life Center at St. Edward Parish
(This opportunity requires a minimum number of participants)
Week 2 -- This session examines the Catholic principle of sacramentality as it is expressed, experienced and celebrated in the Sacraments and sacramentals. The principle of Sacramentality expresses the Catholic conviction that material objects, rituals and experiences can embody and reveal God’s presence.
Week 3 -- This session explores the special way in which Catholic Christians believe that God’s presence and love is embodied, revealed and experienced in time and human experience. Many aspects of Catholic faith and practice, including how Catholics read and understand the Bible, reveal this reverence for the sacred nature time and history.
Week 4 -- This session explores the sacramental nature of human relationships and the particular way in which Catholic Christians believe that God is embodied and encountered in and through an individual’s relationship to the faith community, the Body of Christ and the Communion of Saints.
Week 5 -- Catholics believe that human activity is sacramental--we can embody and encounter God's presence and love in how we use our gifts and talents. This session explores how the Catholic Church is organized, the historical development of the church, and how God's presence and mercy are embodied and expressed in Catholic moral and social teaching as well as in the very structure or organization of the faith community.
Week 6 -- This session examines how Catholics experience and live their faith in everyday life through participation in the Mass, the “source and summit” of Catholic life, personal prayer and devotion, family life, spiritual development, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Call 319-233-0498.
Click here to register online.
[Last Update 01.02.25]