What Is Catholic Evangelization Outreach? Catholic Evangelization Outreach (CEO) is an organization of lay Catholics dedicated to Catholic evangelization. The organization began in Cedar Rapids in the fall of 2011 and has gradually expanded into other areas in the Archdiocese of Dubuque, including Waterloo and Cedar Falls.
CEO is an organization from, by and for lay people, dedicated to helping Catholics renew and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and their connection to the Catholic faith community.
What is the Mission of Catholic Evangelization Outreach? The mission of Catholic Evangelization Outreach is to help people know and follow Jesus Christ in their own lives, and to help others know and follow Jesus Christ in their lives.
The goal of CEO is to re-energize those who currently participate in our faith and to welcome back those who have drifted away; to encourage a deeper relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
How does Catholic Evangelization Outreach Work? Catholic Evangelization Outreach works within the local faith community, in cooperation with Archdiocesan and parish leaders.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, CEO seeks to build a core team of local leaders and teams of volunteers in each participating parish. The core team is responsible for guiding the work of CEO in a local community or cluster. Parish teams are responsible for helping the core team plan, organize, promote and conduct CEO events in each parish.
The CEO ministry centers around regular outreach events which include a personal witness talk, discussion and fellowship. Speakers at the Witness Hour event give public testimony about their personal relationship to Jesus Christ and their participation in the Catholic faith community.
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Participation in Catholic Evangelization Outreach can not only help you deepen your faith, it can also help you share your faith with others. As your faith grows, you will want to share it more with others. Here are some suggestions for how to share your faith:
• Nurture personal and spiritual friendships. Friendship is the original model of evangelization and establishes trust and mutual respect. This creates openness and acceptance which leads to a constructive dialogue.• • •
Catholic Evangelization Outreach is expanding in the Cedar Valley. We need local volunteers who can help generate publicity; organize the local events; serve as hosts at the monthly witness; prepare, serve and clean up after the monthly meal. You don't have to be an expert ... you just need to be inspired and willing!
Here is how you can help:
• Pray for the success of CEO in the Cedar Valley, Cedar Rapids, New Hampton, and other areas of the Archdiocese.
• Tell people about CEO -- invite family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to CEO events.
• Help promote CEO -- distribute literature about CEO.
• Share your time and talent -- we will eventually be organizing local teams in each parish, but don't wait to be asked. Volunteer your time and talents now.
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How to Volunteer
• By phone: call 319-234-9912
• By email: DBQ208s3@dbqarch.org
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