“The hopes and forces which are moving the world in its very
foundations are not foreign to the dynamism of the Gospel, which
through the power of the Holy Spirit frees people from personal sin and from its consequences in social life.…
“Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation
of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the
preaching of the Gospel -- or, in other words, of the Church's mission
for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every
oppressive situation.”
-- World Synod of Catholic Bishops, Justice in the World (1971). #5, 6.
The Catholic Parishes in Waterloo are committed to providing education, formation and real life experiences which help Catholic adults understand and practice the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
The Cedar Valley Catholic Social Justice Network serves individuals and organizations in the local Catholic community who are interested in and committed to study, prayer and action for social justice. The Adult Formation Office cooperates with parish Social Justice Committees, other local churches and social justice organizations, diocesan and national organizations to coordinate formation, education and personal involvement in social action which is consistent with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching
Cedar Valley Hospitality House is a day-shelter for the homeless and people in need, operated by an inter-faith organization at 1003 Mulberry St. in Waterloo. It provides coffee, showers, clean clothes, computer access, local telephone access, referral to community services 9:00am to 4:00pm seven days a week and light meals on weekends.
Click here for more information about the Hospitality House.
“Cool Catholics” is a committee of local Catholics who are committed to faith-based environmental awareness and action to address global climate change. The committee sponsors workshops, provides information, and organizes public action to reduce human contributions to global warming.
Click here for more information about Cool Catholics.
Habitat for Humanity. The Catholic Parishes support the efforts of Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity by providing volunteers of all ages to help build new homes with needy families in our community. The parishes organize work crews on the second Saturday of every month and on Tuesday of any week, April through October.
Click here for more information about Habitat for Humanity
Immigration Reform. The Catholic Parishes and the Cedar Valley Catholic Social Justice Network are involved in a variety of efforts to develop and support comprehensive reform of the nation's immigration laws.
Click here for more information about Immigration Reform.
Iowa Institute for Social Action is a two-day conference co-sponsored by the Catholic dioceses of Iowa for adults and young adults interested in social justice. It includes speakers, small-group workshops, and an opportunity to network with social justice activists from around the state.
Click here for more information about the Institute for Social Action.
JustFaith is an intensive adult formation and education process which uses study, discussion, prayer, and experience to help participants grow in their understanding and commitment to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. The JustFaith formation process is highly recommended for individuals who are, or wish to become, more active in the church’s ministry of social justice and peace.
Click here for more information about JustFaith.
Poverty Simulations administered by Iowa State University Extension give participants an opportunity to role-play the real-life experiences of unemployed families, families living on public assistance, the elderly on limited incomes and farm families struggling to make ends meet. Simulations are held several times a year in conjunction with Allen College.
St. Francis Catholic Worker House is a shelter for men, women and children operated in the spirit of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. The House, located at 321 E. 8th St. in Waterloo, provides various opportunities for volunteer service, including a free community meal on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Join the Worker community for its monthly meal, Mass and discussion. Contact Fran Fuller at 319-232-2116 (email <franafuller@gmail.com>).
Seasonal Social Justice Retreats sponsored by the Social Justice Network are designed to help participants appreciate the social justice dimension of the Church's principal liturgical seasons, Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.
Click here for more information about our Social Justice Retreats.
Stewardship of the Earth is a five-week bible study which examines the biblical foundation for environmental stewardship. It combines the opportunity for personal study and group discussion, which leads to a prayerful and transforming response for individuals who are especially interested in the challenges of global climate change.
Click here for more information about Stewardship of the Earth.
Study Circles on Racism and Race Relations are inter-racial study groups designed to help participants identify their own experience, concerns, opinions and fears about race, hear other participants' experiences and concerns, consider a wider variety of views on racial issues, and explore strategies for personal and community action. The groups meet for five weeks under the direction of professionally trained facilitators.
Click here for more information about Study Circles on Race.
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Click here for links to social justice resources
Click here for a list of fair trade resources
Click here for information about local social services
Click here for information for people who have lost their jobs.
Last Update: 04.29.18