CEW is rooted in the conviction that Christian faith is first of all a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, present in the world around us and in the community of believers, the church. Pope Benedict XVI expressed this conviction well in one of his weekly audiences:
We are only Christians if we encounter Christ.... Only in this personal relationship with Christ, only in
this encounter with the Risen One, do we truly become Christians.... Therefore let us pray the Lord to
illumine us, to grant us an encounter with his presence in our world, and thus to grant us a lively faith,
an open heart and great love for all, which is capable of renewing the world.
(Audience Sept. 3, 2016)
The CEW weekend begins Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon.
It features witness talks by various individuals, who share their personal experiences of encountering Jesus Christ in their lives. The format incorporates opportunities for discussion, prayer, and private reflection, which reminds us of the importance of recognizing the presence of the Divine One in our own lives and in the people around us.
For Catholic participants there is an opportunity to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
• Individuals who have no church or faith home, but are interested in becoming Christian.
• Baptized Christians who are no longer active in their church or faith community and feel like
something is missing in their lives.
• Practicing Christians who have never had but are interested in developing a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ.
• Practicing Christians who wish to renew or deepen their personal relationship with Jesus.
• Practicing Christians who wish to develop a deeper appreciation for the presence of Jesus Christ in
the world around them and in the community of faith.
• Contact: Gregg Pospisil at 319-551-1309
• Register online at: http://www.
[Last Update: 02.06.25]