This Consolidation Agreement is made and entered into by and among the following parishes in accord with archdiocesan policy #2421/2422 of the Archdiocesan Board of Education/Faith Formation Commission: Blessed Sacrament, Queen of Peace, Sacred Heart, St. Edward, Waterloo, all of which are listed in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution for the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission.
In the event that consensus cannot be reached regarding any issues addressed in this agreement, an appeal process for resolving a disagreement between the member parishes and Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission (WCFFC) will be implemented. A committee consisting of the pastors of the four member parishes, the WCFFC Chair, two members of the Commission designated by the Commission, and a representative of the Faith Formation Administrative Team will be convened to come to a resolution. If consensus efforts fail, the Archdiocesan Director of Faith Formation and Education will be asked to appoint an arbiter.
A. Governing Body
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission (WCFFC) is the governing body operating the faith formation programs in the ten areas of catechesis, not specific to programming in Catholic schools: Early Childhood, Children, Youth, Young Adult, Adult, Family, Special Needs, Elderly, Marginalized, as provided for in the WCFFC Commission Constitution.
B. Administrators of Policy
The Chairperson (or in the chairperson’s absence, the vice chairperson) of the WCFFC shall conduct the meeting (see articles V and VI, WCFFC Constitution).
The Faith Formation Administrative Team is responsible for administering the policies of the commission.
These faith formation leaders shall be hired via a written contract between the WCFFC and the respective faith formation leader. These contracts and respective ministry descriptions may be modified by the Commission.
Article II – Catechetical Materials, Equipment and Furnishings
A. Catechetical Materials
All texts, resources, and other catechetical materials used in faith formation, shall be selected, purchased, pooled and appropriately used under the direction of the Faith Formation Administrative Team.
B. Equipment and Furnishings
All equipment and furnishings shall be used and shared under the direction of the Faith Formation Administrative Team, in consultation with local parish staff and/or school staff when appropriate.
Article III – Personnel Responsibilities
A. Responsibilities
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission is responsible for recruiting, hiring, supervising and evaluating all contracted faith formation leaders. The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission is responsible for developing ministry descriptions and evaluation processes for these leaders.
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission shall annually review and approve the compensation for all contracted, covenanted, and support personnel in faith formation programs.
The Faith Formation Administrative Team (or his/her designee) is responsible for the selection of coordinators, catechists, support staff, and volunteers, with approval by the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission.
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission shall annually review and approve the compensation package for all contracted, covenanted, and support personnel in faith formation programs.
B. Recruitment and Hiring
The WCFFC shall adhere to the archdiocesan policies and procedures regarding the hiring and compensation of faith formation personnel.
The WCFFC shall adhere to the archdiocesan policies and procedures regarding the Protection of Children & Young People.
The WCFFC shall adhere to the archdiocesan policies and procedures regarding due process as outlined in archdiocesan policy #4119.4.
The recruitment and selection of the Faith Formation Administrative Team positions hired by the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission will follow the process outlined below.
a.) A search committee will be formed to hire a member of the Faith Formation Administrative Team for all Waterloo parishes. The search committee shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following representatives: the pastor representative of the WCFFC or his designee, one member of the Faith Formation Administrative Team, one WCFFC member, one representative appointed by the WCFFC. A contract offer shall be extended to the candidate subject to Commission approval.
b.) Members of the Faith Formation Administrative Team will recruit and interview potential candidates for a Coordinator Position. Their recommendation will be made to the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission for hiring approval.
Article IV – Plant Utilization
A. Necessary Renovation
Any renovation(s) shall be determined collaboratively by the Cedar Valley Catholic Schools (CVCS) Board, the WCFFC, and the parish(es) involved, according to the Joint Agreement between the CVCS Board and the WCFFC (Section “C”). No structural changes or alterations to the schools, early childhood programs, or other facilities used for faith formation and child care may be made without prior written consent of the affected parish(es).
B. Arrangements for Plant Utilization: The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission will determine future faith formation needs for space outside of the school day in the four parish elementary schools, Columbus High School, and Blessed Maria Assunta Pallotta Catholic Middle School in collaboration with the parishes and building administrators.
C. Possession and Use
Facility usage outside of the school day shall be determined by the CVCS Board, the WCFFC, and the parishes, with particular adherence to the Wednesday “Church Night” local policy and summer faith formation programs. Usage of the school and parish kitchens shall be negotiated between CVCS Administrators, the parish, and the Faith Formation Administrative Team.
D. Maintenance
The parishes retain ownership of their buildings and therefore are responsible for the physical plant of said buildings such as roofs, boilers, mechanical systems, foundations and exterior finishes, doors, windows, parking lots and lawns.
CVCS is responsible for normal wear and tear items on parish school buildings such as paint, floor coverings, drywall and interior finishes as well as consumables such as light bulbs, floor wax and minor hardware. All maintenance expenses of Columbus High School and of Blessed Maria Assunta Pallota Catholic Middle School are the responsibility of Cedar Valley Catholic Schools.
When responsibility for repairs is uncertain, the matter shall be negotiated between the CVCS administration and the administration of the parish(s) involved.
Collaboration on summer maintenance schedules shall allow for facility usage for summer faith formation programs and activities.
E. Insurance and Rent
Each party will be insured through the Archdiocesan Self-Insurance Program. The parishes will pay the insurance premiums for their parish buildings.
Pursuant to Archdiocesan policy, no rent shall be charged by a parish or by CVCS for use of any parish or school facility for faith formation programs and activities.
Transportation needs for faith formation programs will be arranged for by the program administrator(s) responsible for the activity. All use of transportation means by programs will be carried out according to archdiocesan policy.
Arrangements for use of CVCS vehicles for faith formation activities shall be negotiated between the CVCS Chief Administrator and the faith formation Administrative Team (or designee(s)) according to the CVCS Vehicle Usage policy.
If food service involving school lunch facilities are needed for faith formation programs, arrangements shall be negotiated between the CVCS Food Service Director and the Faith Formation Administrative Team (or designee) pursuant to the limitation of federal or other regulatory agencies.
Debts incurred by faith formation programs are the responsibility of the parishes which are partners to this agreement.
All parties to this Agreement will cooperate with regard to Advancement efforts. The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission shall collaborate with parishes in creating policies and structures for fundraising and related matters, bequests, annual appeals, capital campaigns or planned giving gifts specific to Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation programs. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit parishes from other parish fundraising.
Article IX – Revenue and Expenditure Plan – Budget
A. Budget
The faith formation budget shall be presented to the parishes at least four months prior to the start of the fiscal year.
B. Income
Monies collected from fees, tuition, and other such sources for WCFFC programming will be counted as income for the WCFFC budget and not for individual parishes.
C. Annual Assessment
The amount assessed to each parish annually for the Faith Formation program shall be paid on the first of each month, in equal monthly amounts, starting in July of each year and ending in June of the following year. Interest shall accrue on any assessment not paid when due (an assessment shall begin to accrue interest 10 days after the first of the month). The amount of interest for parish assessments in arrears shall be the rate charged by the lending institution.
D. Metro Faith Formation Management
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission is responsible for developing a consolidated Faith Formation budget and bookkeeping procedures, in collaboration with the pastors and Finance Councils of the parishes which are partners to this Agreement.
WCFFC will be responsible for managing its budget including but not limited to accounting for its income and expenditures, payment of bills and payroll, and providing reports for member parishes and the Archdiocese as needed or required.
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission and its Finance Council shall study, recommend and adopt, through appropriate action, an acceptable subsidy responsibility for each parish each fiscal year.
This recommendation shall be presented to the Commission by February of the year the subsidies shall be due. Each member parish will be responsible to agree to either their share of the total subsidy or to an acceptable alternative.
Initially, the WCFFC budget will be apportioned to each parish according to the percentage of the combined total faith formation budgets (inclusive of shared metro program subsidies) of the member parishes. Those percentages are: Blessed Sacrament 26%; Queen of Peace 19.5%; Sacred Heart 24.5%; St. Edward 30%. Allocation percentages may be amended, or an alternative subsidy formula adopted by mutual unanimous agreement of the WCFFC and member parish Pastoral Councils. Such changes or developments are envisioned by this Consolidation Agreement and will be structured as amendments to the Consolidation Agreement itself.
Article XI – Separate Entities
Existing Corporations shall remain separate and distinct; no member Corporation shall be the agent for another Corporation with regard to the metro shared programming.
Other parishes seeking to join the WCFFC consolidation will do so according to the process created and approved by the current members. By this Consolidation Agreement, authority is given to adjust Representation on the Commission, funding allocation, and other aspects of shared ministry proportionate to what is described above in this agreement. Other modifications would require the approval of signatory bodies.
This Consolidation Agreement shall be reviewed by the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission at the request of the majority of the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission members.
This Consolidation Agreement shall become effective upon signing by all the parishes which are as follows.
Approved by the Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission
Approved by the Blessed Sacrament Parish Council
Approved by the Queen of Peace Parish Council
Approved by the Sacred Heart Parish Council March 26, 2014.
Approved by the St. Edward Parish Council March 20, 2014.
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