The first step in confronting injustice in our homes, communities and the world is developing a social justice consciousness that involves a greater awareness of social injustice and alternatives to the social, economic and political choices which create injustice.
The Discipleship Experience Weekend (DEW) provides an opportunity to reflect on the principles of social justice developed by the Catholic Church over the past century and a half. These principles are:
--The Life and Dignity of Every Human Person
--The Call to Family and Participation in the Community
--The Mutuality of Rights and Responsibilities
--The Fundamental Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
--The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
--The Solidarity of the Human Family
--The Responsibility to Care for Creation
* These seven principles are a summary of Catholic Social Teaching published by the Catholic Bishops of the United States. They differ slightly from those listed in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church published by the Vatican.
DEW Format
The DEW weekend begins Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon.
It features presentations by various individuals and opportunities for discussion, prayer, and private reflection.
For Catholic participants there is an opportunity to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Who Should Attend a DEW?
• Anyone who is concerned about injustice in post-modern society.
• Anyone who is confused about how to respond to social injustice.
• Anyone who feels that current social and political responses to injustice are not adequate.
• Anyone who is searching for thoughtful, faithful principles to guide personal and social
responses to injustice.
• Anyone like pastors, deacons, catechists and teachers who are in a position to teach others about
Catholic Social principles.
More Information and Registration
• Contact
> Ted or Dede Pietryga. 319-541-6306.
> Bob or Nancy Wagner. 319-430-7120.
Learn More:
> Catholic Social Principles (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
> Catholic Social Teaching Video Series (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
> Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church (Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace)
[Last Update: 01.09.24]