The most important factor influencing your child’s faith formation is the experience he or she has in your family. Rate the faith environment in your family on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).
1. Our family participates regularly at Mass on Sundays and holy days…………..........................……… ____
2. Our family is a member and participates as fully as possible in the social, spiritual
and sacramental activities of the parish…….….……….…………..............…………..........................…………. ____
3. Our family fosters an atmosphere of care, respect, understanding and forgiveness
among family members ..……..……………………...………………...............………..............................……….…….. ____
4. Our family has a habit of daily prayer, reflection and devotion—as individuals
and as a family……..………………………………………...............……………………...............................…......……..….. ____
5. Our family recognizes God’s grace and presence in the people and world around us…................ ____
6. Our family incorporates Catholic traditions, rituals and customs into family life
and family celebrations …………………………………………………………….....................................………………..….. ____
7. Our family uses rules and discipline which balance the needs of the individual with
the common good of the whole family…………………..................................……………....……………..….……. ____
8. The Catholic adults in our family participate in continuing faith formation,
enrichment and spiritual growth……………………………….…. ……………………………...............................……… ____
9. The children in our family are enrolled in continuing faith formation in a Catholic
school or parish faith formation program………………………….……..…………………........................….....….. ____
10. Our family understands and respects Catholic religious, moral and social teaching .............… ____
11. Our family practices principles of good stewardship to conserve natural resources
and provide support to the church and charitable organizations …………………......................………. ____
12. Our family uses Catholic values to guide our use of time, money, personal relation-
ships and sexual behavior……...…………………………………………..…………………..................................……….. ____
13. Our family uses Catholic values to guide our choice of employment, entertainment
and leisure activity ..……………………………………………………………………..……......................................………… ____
14. Our family shows a special concern for the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized.................. ____
15. Our family supports public policies and laws which respect Catholic values…….....…...........…… ____
Total Score ……………………...………………….………………..……………………..……...............................................…….. ____
56-75 – You’re doing a great job. Your child should be very well prepared to celebrate the sacraments.
36-55 – You’re doing a good job. Your child should be well prepared to celebrate the sacraments.
16-35 – There is room for improvement. Think about what changes you need to make in order to enrich your
child’s celebration of the sacraments.
0-15 - There are serious deficiencies. You should make immediate changes or consider postponing your child’s
celebration of the sacraments.
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[Last Update: 02.27.20]