What Is a Healing Mass?
A healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God's healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings.
What to Expect at a Healing Mass
• Most healing Masses are preceded by an opportunity for Confession and a period of praise and worship.
• Praise and worship before and during the Mass may be more enthusiastic and spirited than at a regular Mass, which is typical of the charismatic style of prayer. Often you will observe people clapping their hands or lifting up their arms while they are singing.
• After the Mass, the celebrant and prayer teams of two or three people will be available to pray for you privately if you choose to have them do this. In the process of this prayer, they may touch your head, shoulder, or hands and anoint you with blessed oil. They may also pray in strange words or sounds which is known as praying in tongues; this is a charism granted by the Holy Spirit which has been described as "the voice of the subconscious rising to God."
• You may also ask the prayer team to pray for someone else's need. All prayer requests are held in strictest confidence.
• During the healing service you may experience someone falling backward and then resting on the ground. This is called being slain in the Spirit; it is simply an indication that the person is overcome by an awareness of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and is resting peacefully.
• Although this experience may seem strange and uncomfortable at first, try to relax and remain calm. You will not be expected or required to say or do anything that you are not comfortable doing unless you are so moved by the Holy Spirit.
• Remember that the healing you seek may occur over a period of time and in a way which is different from what you expected. Be consistent by praying continuously for your healing.
Healing Masses in the Cedar Valley
Healing Masses in the Cedar Valley are hosted regularly by the Inter-City Charismatic Prayer Community. They usually take place at Immaculate Conception Church in Gilbertville two or three times a year.
For information about Healing Masses or the Charismatic Prayer Community, contact Sharon Even at 319-232-7338.
Learn More
• Read "At the Touch of the Great Physician"
• Read "Approach a Healing Mass With a Healthy Perspective"
• Read the Congregation for Worship's "Instruction on Prayers for Healing"
[Last Update: 11.11.18]