How do I become more active in my parish?
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo offer a variety of opportunities and welcome parish members who wish to become more actively involved in the social, spiritual and organizational life of the parish faith community.
These opportunities include liturgical ministries such as lector, extraordinary Eucharistic minister, hospitality minister and music ministry; catechetical ministries; outreach to the sick and homebound; opportunities to help plan and implement social events such as parish festivals and fairs; the parishes' social outreach to those in need; and opportunities to serve on various boards and commissions, including the Pastoral Council, Faith Formation Commission, Liturgy, Parish Life, Stewardship, Social Justice and Buildings and Grounds Committees. Parish members may also choose to participate in inter-parish organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society and Catholic Daughters.
In most parishes, members are asked to complete a “Time and Talent” survey. If you have not completed a Time and Talent survey in the parish where you participate, or have not been contacted after completing a survey, contact the parish office to talk about the Time and Talent survey or the type of parish activities you want to participate in. If you have a talent or interest which is not represented among the opportunities offered by the parish, contact a member of the parish staff to discuss the possibility of creating a new opportunity for yourself and others.
Keep in mind that becoming more active in any faith community is a little bit like getting to know your in-laws; it takes time and patience on both sides to fit in -- much less change -- the customary way in how the community does things.
Related Links:
• Directory of Catholic Parishes in Waterloo
• How to Get More Involved in Your Parish
• Talent Discernment Inventory
* Parishioner Assessment
Last Update: 10.17.17