How do I go to Confession?
The Catholic parishes offer various opportunities for individuals who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession.
Regular opportunities for individual confession are scheduled before some weekend Masses and in some parishes before weekday Masses. In an emergency, individuals may also make an appointment for individual confession with a local priest by contacting the parish office. If you are homebound or living in a care facility, our parish staff can arrange to have a priest come to you.
In addition, the parishes provide an opportunity for the Communal Celebration of Reconciliation at least twice a year during the seasons of Advent and Lent. These Communal Celebrations include the opportunity for individual confession and are announced in parish bulletins and on parish websites.
Catholics are required by Church law to confess mortal sin at least once a year. Catholics who have not committed mortal sin are welcome to confess individually to a priest at any time, but may also participate in a Communal Penance Service without going to individual confession.
As a general rule, a person who wishes to discuss serious spiritual matters at length in the context of the Sacrament of Reconciliation should make an appointment with the parish priest outside of regularly scheduled individual confession or communal penance services.
More FAQ:
• How do I learn to appreciate the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Related Links:
• Information About Celebrating Reconciliation.
• Examinations of Conscience.
• Schedule of Individual Confessions.
Last Update: 10.16.17