Prayer is a form of communication that takes place within the context of our relationship with the Divine. As in any relationship, when, how and how much we communicate takes many different forms and often occurs spontaneously, arising out of the circumstances at hand.
In any case, the key to communication is the ability and desire to listen. This is a major problem with prayer, because many people think they are “praying” only when they are saying something. Prayer is always first of all a response to how we have seen or heard God’s presence or absence in our lives.
Many people feel uncomfortable with their prayer lives because they have been told that they should pray in a particular way for a particular amount of time. The truth is, there is no “right way” to pray. The best way to pray is the way which is best for you, which is to say the way which is most natural for you--the way which best fits your personality, the circumstances of your life, and your relationship to the Divine.
Remember that the ultimate goal of prayer is to become more attentive, and in turn, more responsive to God's presence in our lives and in the world around us. That is why St. Ignatius urged his followers to place a priority on the daily Examen – a prayerful examination or review of the day, usually performed at the close of the day. Many people find it helpful or necessary to schedule prayer at different times during the day or week, but the ultimate goal of prayer is being so aware of God's presence that we respond spontaneously whenever and wherever we encounter the Divine Spirit.
• To improve your prayer life, begin by examining various types of Christian prayer. They range from the very verbal (like the Liturgy of the Hours) to the more reflective (like Contemplative Prayer or Meditation). Some (like the Rosary) are a combination of both. Decide which fit your personality best and then try some. If you need guidance or encouragement, contact your pastor, a member of the parish formation team, a spiritual guide or confessor.
• Our Facebook page includes a daily prayer modelled on the Hours, a daily reading, and evening Examine designed for busy people and those just getting familiar with various types of prayer.
Related Links
> Introduction to Prayer
> Three Traditional Forms of Prayer (PDF)
> Simple Listening Prayer (PDF)
Learn More:
> What Do You Expect of Prayer?
> Discover Your Spirituality Type
> Stages in Prayer (PDF)
> How God Speaks to Us (PDF)
> Self-Exam: My Concerns About Prayer (PDF)
> How to Start and Sustain a New Prayer Practice
> If It Doesn't Work, Don't Use It
[Last Update: 09.06.20]