Lenten Lessons and Prayers: A Musical Journey with Christ shares the story of the life of Jesus through inspirational music and narration with emphasis on the passion. It is a compilation of music woven together with narration based on scripture. There are a variety of musical styles and composers represented in A Musical Journey with Christ.
All of the music is meant to bring the listener closer to the events of 2000 years ago and to bring the listener to a deeper appreciation of Christ’s love. It is hoped that all who hear this story will experience spiritual renewal and be inspired to renew their commitment to love and serve others.
I don’t consider this a concert as much as a meditation on the life of Christ. This 85 minute program will also be a time of praise and prayer. The first part of our program sets the stage and gives a summary of the events of Christ’s life leading up to the Last Supper. The second part of our program is the story of the passion. The third part is a time of prayer through music where we are asking for guidance and nourishment on our spiritual journey.
I have always been drawn to music that touches the soul and brings a person closer to Christ. In putting together this presentation I picked music that is very powerful and spiritually moving. The music and the artists that composed these pieces have been an inspiration to me. All of the music in this program is very reflective and spiritually uplifting.
I see the musicians in this group as an instrument that can lead others to praise God. We have a very talented group of musicians who have worked hard and are very willing to share their talent and faith with others.
I think the message of Christ’s love will be communicated not only through the music but in the narration, choreography, and the reverent manner in which it is delivered.
I think anyone who comes to this program with an open heart and mind will leave feeling very energized and spiritually renewed.
I also hope that “A Musical Journey” will bring people from the different parishes/churches and the community together. We may be many but we are also one.
-Dave Berns, founder and director of Agnus Dei Ministry