Worldwide Marriage Encounter is an enrichment program for married couples. Witness talks by married couples, private discussion and personal prayer help couples improve communication, understanding and appreciation for each other. The weekend begins Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon. Contact the Family Life Office (>).
Click here for more information about Marriage Encounter
Marriage Retorno is a weekend renewal experience for married couples who want to strengthen the spiritual aspects of their relationship. The emphasis is on helping couples learn to share their faith and prayer by reflecting, writing and talking with each other. The weekend begins Saturday morning and ends Sunday afternoon. Contact the Family Life Office (800-876-3546 or <DBQCFL>).
Retrouvaille is a program for couples living in troubled marriages and for couples who are separated or divorced. The emphasis is on helping couples restore communication, forgiveness and trust. (There are no group discussions or group dynamics.) The program consists of a weekend program and six follow-up meetings.
Click here for Retrouvaille weekends in Minnesota or Illinois.
Covenant of Love Marriage Mentors are trained volunteer couples who accompany other married couples into a deeper understanding and living of the fullness God intended for marriage. Covenant of Love mentoring is not professional counseling, nor is it a comprehensive approach to issues or problems facing various married couples. Rather, it is a process in which a couple can achieve relationship goals with effective support, information, and guidance. This process is effective for restoring and strengthening marriages in which both spouses are open to following God’s plan for marriage and putting into place the practical tools provided. Click here for more information including how to register.
First Tuesday is a support and enrichment program for married couples. Each meeting includes discussion of a specific topic and an open-forum in which participants may raise issues or questions of special concern. Couples may attend regularly each month, or occasionally as they feel the need for encouragement and support. Contact the Adult Formation office (>).
Meets the first Tuesday of each month (except July and August)
7:00-8:30pm in the Chapel Wing at Covenant Medical Center, Waterloo.
Click here for more information about First Tuesday.