Most opportunities for adult faith formation, enrichment and spiritual growth sponsored by the Catholic Parishes in Waterloo are free and open to the public. The cost of these programs is underwritten by the parishes through our annual adult faith formation budget or by grants from partnering organizations.
In some cases, however, it is necessary to request a registration fee for formation and enrichment opportunities.
These additional fees make it possible for us to to provide opportunities of exceptional value, conducted by professional adult educators who deserve a just compensation for their time and expertise. Additional fees help defray the cost of producing or purchasing resources, facility fees, stipends and traveling expenses for presenters who are not on staff in the local parishes, or copyright fees.
The suggested registration fee should not prevent any individual from participating in a formation, enrichment or spiritual growth opportunity sponsored by the parishes.
If you are unable to pay the suggested fee, please inform us at the time of registration and we will be happy to accept what you can afford or waive the fee.
We welcome the generous contributions of participants who can afford to help defray the cost for individuals who cannot afford the suggested fee.