Directory By Age
Click on the age you are looking for here:
• Infants and Young Children (Birth to Age 2)
• Pre-School Children (Ages 3-5)
• Grade-School Children (Ages 6-12)
• Adolescent Children (Ages 13-17)
The first three years of life are essential for a child's basic physical and spiritual formation. The child's experience during these years establishes life-long attitudes toward life, self, and other people. In time, the child's relation-ship to God will be shaped by either trust or fear, depending upon these early experiences.
Parents of infants and young children create a solid foundation for the child's later religious and spiritual formation when they:
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo support parents of infants and young children by providing:
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Pre-school children discover that they are not alone in the world. They need lots of encouragement, affirmation, forgiveness and unconditional love. Their relationship with parents and other significant adults will eventually shape their personal relationships as well as their relationship to God and the faith community.
Parents of pre-school children make a critical contribution to their child's emerging religious formation when they:
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo support parents of pre-school children by providing:
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During the grade school years, children are becoming less self-centered. They have a strong desire to belong and to participate. They are keenly aware of the need for order, justice and reconciliation. They are beginning to identify and internalize values they will use as adults to make good moral choices.
Parents of grade school children shape their child's religious and spiritual life when they:
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo support parents of grade-school children by providing:
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Adolescents ask serious questions about life and faith. This process of self-discovery is necessary in order to develop a mature, adult faith. During this challenging time, young adults need guidance and support from adults who are honest and sincere, and whose daily lives reflect the faith they profess.
Parents of adolescent children support their child's religious formation when they:
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo support parents of adolescent children by providing: