Prayer Books
The Abbey Prayer Book. Selected and arranged by M. Basil Pennington. Liguori Publications.
An Everyday Book of Hours. William G. Storey. Liturgy Training Publications, 2001. 156854278X
A Catholic Book of Hours and Other Devotions. William G. Storey. Loyola Press. 2007
Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers. United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, 1988.
Catholic Prayers for All Occasions. Jacquelyn Lindsey. Our Sunday Visitor. 2017.
The Catholic Prayer Bible--Lectio Divina Edition. Paulist Press, 2010.
Christian Prayer--The Liturgy of the Hours. Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1999.
The Shorter Christian Prayer. Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1999.
Common Prayer. Shane Claiborne Zondervan. 2010.
Connecting With God--Prayers for Those Who Have Yet to Find the Words. William J. O’Malley. Orbis Books.
Day by Day--The Notre Dame Prayer Book for Students. Thomas McNally. Ave Maria Press, 2004.
The Essential Catholic Prayer Book. Redemptorist Pastoral Publication/Liguori.
The People’s Prayer Book--Personal and Group Prayers. Carole Garibaldi Rogers and Mary Ann Jeselson eds.
Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim--A Personal Manual for Prayer and Ritual. Edward Hays. Forest of Peace
Publishing/Ave Maria Press,1989.
Prayers for the Domestic Church. Edward Hayes. Forest of Peace Books. 2007.
Sacred Space--The Prayer Book. Loyola Press. Annual.
Monthly Prayer Guides
Give Us This Day. Daily prayer issued monthly in print and online formats. The Liturgical Press.
Living with Christ. Daily prayer issued monthly. Creative Communictions for the Parish.
Magnificat. Daily prayer issued monthly in print, iphone and online formats (Magnificat USA)
About Prayer and Praying
Adventures in Daily Prayer. Bert Ghezzi. Brazos Press.
A Book of Quiet Prayer. William J. Byron SJ. Paulist Press. 2005.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (Part IV). United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, 1994.
(online at )
The Catholic Way to Pray--An Essential Guide for Adults. Kathleen Glavich. Twenty-Third Publications, 2009.
Challenges in Prayer. M. Basil Pennington. Liguori Publications.
Everything Belongs--The Gift of Contemplative Prayer. Richard Rohr OFM. Crossroad Publishing. 2003.
The 15-Miniute Prayer Solution. Gary Jansen. Loyola Press. 2015.
Gratefulness--the Heart of Prayer. Br. David Steindl-Rast. Paulist Press. 1984.
In All Seasons For All Reasons--Praying Throughout the Year. James Martin SJ. Liturgical Press. 2017.
Learning to Pray--A Guide for Everyone. James Martin SJ. Harper One. 2021
Opening to God--A Guide to Prayer. Thomas H. Green. Ave Maria Press, 2006.
Prayer for Beginners. Peter Kreeft. Ignatius Press, 2000.
Prayer--Our Deepest Longing. Ronald Rolheiser. Franciscan Media. 2014.
Praying On Empty--A Guide to Rediscovering Your Prayerful Self. Mary Kathleen Glavich SND. Twenty-
Third Publications. 2017.
Praying Our Experiences. Joseph Schmidt. St. Mary’s Press. 2000.
Praying the Way Jesus Prayed. Mark Link SJ. Loyola Press. 2008
Seven Sacred Pauses--Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. Macrina Wiederkehr. Sorin
Books/Ave Maria Press, 2008.
Simple Ways to Pray--Spiritual Life in the Catholic Tradition. Emilie Griffin. Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.
Treasures Old and New--Traditional Prayers for Today’s Catholics. Philip Neri Powell OP. Liguori.2009.
The Way of the Heart. Henri Nouwen. Ballantine Books. 2003.
The Words We Pray--Discovering the Richness of Traditional Catholic Prayers. Amy Welborn. Loyola
Press, 2005.
Walking the Sacred Path--Spiritual Exercises for Today. Dan Schutte. Twenty-Third Publications, 2009.
Ways to Pray--Growing Closer to God. Cardinal Donald Wuerl. Our Sunday Visitor. 2015.
With Open Hands. Henri J.M. Nouwen. Ave Maria Press, 2006.
Books About the Spiritual Life
Belonging to God--A Personal Training Guide for the Deeper Catholic Spiritual Life. Charles M. Murphy.
Crossroad Publishing Co. 2004.
Breathing Under Water--Spirituality and the Twelve Steps. Richard Rohr OFM. Franciscan Media. 2011.
Christ is Alive! Michael Quoist. Galilee Trade Books, 1972.
The Christian Vision--The Truth That Sets Us Free. John Powell SJ. Thomas More Assn. 1984.
Desperately Seeking Spirituality--A Field Guide to Practice. Meredith Gould. Liturgical Press, 2018.
Finding God Again--Spirituality for Adults. John Shea. Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.
Holiness--Catholic Spirituality for Adults. William J. O’Malley. Orbis. 2008.
The Holy Longing--The Search for a Christian Spirituality. Ronald Rolheiser. Doubleday, 1999.
I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit. Matthew Kelly. Blue Sparrow. 2020.
I’m Not OK. You’re Not OK. But It’s OK. Chris Padgett. Dynamic Catholic/Beacon Publishing. 2014.
Imitation of Christ. Thomas a Kempis. Ignatius Press.
Introduction to the Devout Life. St. Fancis de Sales. Tan Classics.
The Naked Now--Learning to See As the Mystics See. Richard Rohr. Crossroad Publishing Co. 2009.
That You May Have Life--12 Spiritual Practices to Nurture Your Call to Holiness. David Haas. Twenty-
Third Publications. 2017.
Seven Storey Mountain (Anniversary Edition). Thomas Merton. Mariner Books, 1999.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. St. Ignatius of Loyola. Tan Classics.
Online Resources
Liturgy of the Hours Online
Sacred Space
Daily Three-Minute Retreat
Guide to Ignatian Prayer
Your Spiritual Type
Find Your Spirituality Type
Pray As You Go daily podcast
Daily Meditation from Taize
Explore Faith Resources
Saint of the Day
How to Pray Guide
Find Your Spirituality Type
Daily Prayer, Daily Reading and Evening Examen
[Postedf 02.21.21]