To register for an infant and/or youth Baptism, click HERE.
To register a youth in grades 2 through 8 for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist, click
To register a high school student for Confirmation, please click HERE.
Catholics believe that Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church. Sacraments communicate grace to each person. Grace is a participation in God's life and a growth of love and witness in the Church; grace is the result of God's favor and initiative. Christ, the Son of God made flesh, acts in the Sacraments; he communicates his saving power for his Body, the Church. The Holy Spirit prepares the faithful for the Sacraments by helping us to welcome the Word of God in faith. The Church celebrates the Sacraments as an assembly of all the baptized, led by the ordained, each having a special role to play in the celebration.
Baptized youth who are in grades 2 and older have the opportunity to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. They must be enrolled in Catholic school, the Religious Education program or an approved home study during the year in which they prepare. Lessons for 2nd graders are done in the classroom and/or at home. Specialized classes using age-appropriate materials are scheduled for youth in grades 3-8. Individualized programs are designed for high school youth.
Unbaptized youth in grades 3 and older may prepare for the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Eucharist. An individualized program will be designed based on the age and needs of the youth and his/her family.
High School Confirmation preparation for the Waterloo parishes is a collaborative effort for students in their junior or senior year. Candidates prepare through a series of classes that take place at the parishes on a rotating schedule, led by a team of adults, including several parish deacons with the focus being on the Holy Spirit, the Creed and Discipleship. The sacrament of confirmation is celebrated as a large group at Columbus Catholic High School each year.
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo welcome adults and families who are interested in joining the Catholic faith community and anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. The rites of initiation offer a combination of personal preparation and discernment in a small group format, combined with public liturgical ceremonies which celebrate an individual's gradual incorporation into the Catholic faith community. The parishes also provide preparation opportunities for baptized and catechized adults and young adults who wish to be confirmed.
Couples who are engaged and pursuing marriage will first meet with the pastor of their parish. Once the couple is determined free to marry in the Church, the Marriage Prep Coordinator will accompany them through the rest of the process which includes a marriage inventory to identify strength and growth areas in the relationship, meetings with a mentor couple chosen by the engaged couple, a Natural Family Planning course, a marriage retreat (Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter), and some other fun activities to do with the mentor couple. See the directory of parishes in Waterloo to contact the office of the parish in which you plan to marry. For more information about marriage in the Catholic Church, click HERE.