For people of faith, depression may raise serious questions of a spiritual nature: doubts about God’s faithfulness, the value of religious faith, the efficacy of prayer, or the sincerity of the church community. While some individuals find comfort and courage in their religious convictions during depression, others feel betrayed or abandoned.
If you are a person of faith coping with depression, remember that faith is never a guarantee that bad things will not happen, even though we sometimes were taught to believe that it is. In fact, faith is the conviction that all will eventually be well, in spite of the bad things that happen. Faith enables us to respond with determination and hope when we experience painful, inexplicable and unwelcome personal suffering. Every prayer is, first of all, an expression of our belief that God is at work in the world, fixing what needs to be fixed and healing what needs to be healed--all in God's own way and in God's own time.
If you are a person of faith who is living with depression, here are some general suggestions which you might find helpful:
Related Links:
> The Prayer of Lament
>Lamentation Practice for a Time of Crisis
> Praying When It's Hard
> An Examen in Times of Pain
> Simple Listening Prayer
> Three Traditional Forms of Catholic Prayer
> How to Develop a Sacramental Imagination
> Prayerful Meditation for When Life Changes
• Continue to participate as fully as possible in the spiritual and sacramental life of the faith community.
If you are Catholic, consider celebrating the Sacraments of Healing -- Reconciliation (Confession) and Anointing of the Sick. Although the Sacraments and prayer may not lead directly to relief from depression, they open us to a deeper awareness of God's love and compassion. They remind us that God cares about us and wishes us well, even though we are imperfect, unfinished, and sometimes sinful persons. As the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults explains anointing, "even when there is no physical healing, the primary a spiritual healing by which the sick person receives the Holy Spirit's gift of peace and courage to deal with the difficulties that accompany serious illness."
There are regular times scheduled each week in local parishes for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, usually before a weekend Mass and most parishes schedule communal celebrations of the Anointing of the Sick at various times throughout the year. However, under the circumstances it might be best for you to schedule a specific time for either or both of these sacraments with a local pastor. In addition, if there is a Catholic Charismatic Community near you, contact a member and ask to attend a Catholic Healing Mass or arrange for a member of the group to prayer with and for you.
Related Links:
• Examination of Conscience for the Depressed
• What Is a Healing Mass?
• Continue to participate as fully as possible in the life and worship of the faith community.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is always the most powerful and important of all the sacraments, but in some cases, during a period of depression many persons lose the motivation or energy to actively participate in public worship. In some cases, persons find it difficult to feel comfortable or welcome in a faith community where people around them seem completely unaware or unconcerned about their personal suffering. It is helpful to remember that most members of the faith community have suffered painful disappointments, losses and failures in their own lives and would be sympathetic to your situation, although they may not know exactly what to say or do. Their continued presence in the faith community is a reminder that our shared faith helps all of us survive painful and difficult situations like depression.
In addition, there are some practical things you can do if attending church is difficult:
• change the time of Mass you attend; or, if your parish offers a more reflective "quiet" Mass, choose that
Mass over one which is more active and upbeat;
• change the place where you sit in church;
• ask a good friend to accompany you to church; or
• attend a different parish until you feel comfortable returning to your original parish.
• Continue to seek the support and advice of good friends, a trusted personal confidant, or a
wise spiritual director.
No one knows the pain of depression better than people who have experienced depression, so individuals or support groups of people who are living with depression are an important and valuable resource. So are good friends, although they may not know what to say or how to be helpful. The important thing is to find someone who can walk with you, at your own pace, through this painful experience. People who want to "fix things" too soon are not very helpful; people who say they know exactly how you feel probably don't and may not be very helpful either. If you are troubled about spiritual questions related to your depression, it is important to find a spiritual director, pastor, pastoral staff person or faith-based counselor in whom you can confide and whose advice you trust.
• Continue to grow and deepen your faith in God's mercy and love.
While depression is not strictly speaking a spiritual condition and we cannot "pray it away", it may be triggered or aggravated by other emotional or spiritual issues. At the root of these emotional and spiritual problems is often a failure to accept and live with the fact that we are limited, incomplete, imperfect, and vulnerable human beings. We cannot control everything in our lives; we cannot have everything we desire; we cannot do well everything we would like to do; we cannot protect ourselves or our loved ones from sorrow, pain and loss. In other words, as Adam and Even discovered, we are not God, and we cannot save ourselves. In fact, we are all dependent on God and on other people to help us live peacefully with our limitations, disappointments and failures. When the people we want or expect to help us are unable or unwilling to do so, we must find and accept others who can help, always trusting that God works in unexpected and mysterious ways. In the end, we must surrender everything, even our very lives, to God's mercy and love; then all that remains is the love we have given and received. That is why many spiritual guides say much of life is really about preparing to die well.
For many Catholic Christians through the ages, the most perfect example of a human being who was able to accept her own limitations and opportunities was the Blessed Virgin Mary, who accepted God's plan for the incarnation of Jesus Christ with courage and trust. For that reason, Mary's reponse may be our most perfect prayer in times when we are struggling with limitations and disappointments.
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior.
For the Lord has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will
all ages call me blessed.
The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. God's mercy is
from age to age to those who fear him.
God has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. He has
thrown downthe rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The hungry he has
filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty.
God has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, according to his promise
to Abraham and to his descendants forever.”
Although depression may challenge your understanding of faith, your relationship to God, or your relationship to the faith community, it can become an opportunity for an even deeper, more sustaining spiritual life. As in most matters related to faith, the real challenge is to learn to grow in trust and hope.
Related Links:
• Download a checklist to determine if you are suffering from Spiritual Stress due to depression.
• Learn how faith grows and changes in response to circumstances in our lives.
• Return to Information for Catholics Living With Depression.
• Find more resources for living with depression.
This information is not provided by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical help or personal therapy. If you are in need of immediate help, contact a medical professional, a suicide prevention hotline, or call 9-1-1.
[Last Update: 01.07.21]