Jesus asks two of his potential apostles the penetrating question, "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38). This question echoes in every human heart at varying points in life. Like any other aspect of human life, our spiritual life grows and changes over time. Sometimes these changes are unexpected and confusing. We start to wonder Where am I at? and How did I get here? Where am I going and how do I get there?
The alternative to wandering aimlessly and fearfully in these times is to make a determined effort to hear what God is saying to us, deep in our hearts, where God's Spirit resides. The late spiritual writer Henri Nouwen explained that this effort "prepares us for a life in which we move away from our fears, compulsions, resentments, and sorrows, to serve with joy and courage in the world, even when this leads us to places we would rather not go." It enables us, Nouwen said, "to see the face of God in the midst of a hardened world and in our own heart. This freedom helps us to use our skills and our very lives to make that face visible to all who live in bondage and fear."
For many people, the decision to seek spiritual growth arises out of the fact that they are fairly satisfied with their spiritual life but believe it could be better. In other cases, however, a person experiences a vague sense of spiritual dis-ease which is new, confusing, and difficult to explain.
Here are some common signs that you may be ready to grow in your spiritual and religious life:
• You sense that something is missing in your spiritual life, but don't know what it is.
• You feel like your spiritual life could be deeper and richer but don't know how to make that
• You wish your relationship to Jesus was rooted more in your heart than in your head -- you
want to know Jesus, not just know about him.
• You have a hard time praying and are easily distracted.
• Your customary religious habits or practices do not seem as meaningful or helpful to you as
they once were.
• You feel like your spiritual life has not really grown very much since you were a child or young
• You would like to process your spiritual experiences with someone else.
Whether it's a desire to deepen your prayer life, connect more deeply to a faith community, discover your spirituality, or identify areas of the Catholic faith you'd like to learn more about, our Faith Formation Team can help you explore what you might be looking for. Contact one of our spiritual companions, contact the Faith Formation office to set up an appointment, or check our Bulletin Board for the next scheduled spiritual growth discussion.
• Faith Formation Office: 319-233-0498
• Dave Cushing: email:
• Ellen Kuchera: email:
• Register to participate in a discussion here.
Related Links:
> Download this Inventory to see if you'd benefit from spiritual guidance
> Learn more about Faithful Companions Discernment Groups
> Learn more about Spiritual Direction
> Discover how faith grows and changes
> Information for Catholic Seekers
Learn More:
> Guide to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
> Ignatian Prayer Adventure
> Guiding Principle for Spiritual Life
> What Is Spirituality?
[Last Update: 01.19.23]