Summer 2024
July 8, 15, 22, 29. 6:00-8:00pm.
St. Clare Room in the New Life Center at St. Edward Parish
$35.00 per person - $60 for two persons
Learn more about our fee policy here.
Our annual Summer Bible Study provides an opportunity for participants to gather with an acknowledged scripture scholar to explore a particular book or theme from the Scriptures. Each session includes a combination of presentation, reading and discussion.
In Scripture, many life-changing events for individuals and the communities to which they belong occur in the context of a journey. Beliefs and practices change, new attitudes toward others form, God’s presence in history is validated.
In the 2024 Summer Bible Study we will read some of the more memorable accounts of people who discovered something about God as they traveled. The Bible includes these stories not because they claim to be accurate reports but because they teach: they reach out to readers and listeners from a wide range of times and places, including our twenty-first century Iowa. Frequently the tales challenge us to think: about who we are and about how we should live in relation to others who may or may not be part of our community.
Each meeting stands alone, so it is possible to miss one and return to review and talk about a new set of passages. The themes for each session are listed below. It will be helpful, although not absolutely necessary, if you can read at least some of the material which will be discussed during the session.
Please bring a bible with you.
Session 1: From the Tribe of Jacob to the People who Struggle with God (Israel)
Read Genesis chapters 28-35
Session 2: To the Mountain: Traveling to Discover Your Identity
Read Book of Exodus chapters 3 to chapter 4:17; chapters 12 , 13, 14; chapters 19 and 20.
Session 3: After the Exile: Coming Home to a House Full of Strangers
Read the Book of Ruth (all). (It will help if you also can look at Isaiah chapters 55, 56, 62 and the Book of Ezra chapters 1, 9, 10.)
Session 4: Paul Changes Direction
Read all of Paul's Letter to Galatians and Acts of the Apostles chapters 9 and 15
This program is appropriate for adults and young adults who know a lot about the bible and for those who are just learning. It is particularly appropriate for adults and young adults in thresholds 3, 4, 5 and 6 of faith development.
> Click here to learn more about the thresholds of faith develoment.
About the Presenter
Dr. John Waldmeir retired in 2022 as Professor of Religious Studies and Theology at Loras College. Dr. Waldmier received his Ph.D. in Religion and Literature from the University of Chicago and has taught at Catholic colleges in Detroit and Bismarck, North Dakota. At Loras Dr. Waldmeir taught courses in Catholic identity, sacred scriptures, world religions, and American religious traditions for twenty-two years. He has published six books, including Cathedrals of Bone--The Role of the Body in Contemporary Catholic Literature (2009), The Catholic Church in Ireland Today (with David Cochran, 2015) and In-Between Identities--Signs of Islam in Contemporary American Writing (2018).
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Last Update: 05.27.24