Sponsors and companions play an important role in the process by which an individual joins the Catholic faith community.
Sponsors and companions remind us that we are participating in a process of conversion, which involves a personal experience of being welcomed into a faith community of human persons. Sponsors represent the faith community; they insure that no individual walks the journey of conversion on their own.
There are three types of sponsors or companions in the Rites of Christian Initiation and Reception, and each has a distinct role.
Parish Sponsors
In the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) Parish Sponsors serve as formal representatives of the Catholic faith community. They are active Catholics who represent the local parish community, and, by extension, the universal church. They are generally chosen by the parish Director of Initiation. Parish Sponsors may be personal friends or relatives of the candidate (such as a spouse or fiance) if they are also members of the local parish community and are able and willing to assume responsibilities of the Sponsor.
The Parish Sponsor accompanies the candidate through the periods of Catechumenate, Enlightment and Mystagogia. He or she serves the candidate as a mentor, a companion, and a representative of the faith community.
• As a mentor, the sponsor serves as a living example or role model of
what it means to be a person of faith.
• As a companion, the sponsor accompanies the candidate to RCIA
activities, is available to the candidate outside of RCIA process,
encourages and supports the candidate in the discernment process,
offers the candidate guidance and understanding when the candidate is
doubtful or hesitant, and, if necessary, challenges the candidate to be
faithful to the discernment process.
• As a representative of the faith community, the sponsor helps the
candidate feel welcome, introduces the candidate to other members of
the faith community, and invites the candidate to participate in
community activities.
Parish Sponsors may serve as Sacramental Sponsors if they meet the criteria outlined below; however, candidates do not have to choose their Parish Sponsor as their Sacramental Sponsor.
In the Rite of Christian Reception (RCRA), the role of the parish sponsors may be fulfilled by members of the RCRA Team.
Personal Companions
Personal Companions serve as personal representatives of the individual's immediate faith community and provide personal support to participants in the RCIA and RCRA. They may or may not be members of the local parish community, but should be members of the Catholic Church who are active in practicing their Catholic faith. Family Companions are chosen by the candidate and may be personal friends or relatives of the candidate such as a spouse or fiance.
In the RCIA, the Family Companion accompanies the candidate through the periods of Inquiry, Catechumenate, Enlightenment and Mystagogia. He or she serves the candidate primairly as a personal companion, may may also serve to some extent as a personal mentor and a representative of the faith community.
• The Family Companion accompanies the candidate to as many RCIA
or RCRA activities as possible, encourages and supports the candidate
in the discernment process, and offers the candidate guidance and
understanding based on his or her personal experience as a person of
• A Family Companion is an optional support. Participants in the RCIA
and RCRA do not have to choose a Family Companion.
Sacramental Sponsors
Every individual who celebrates a sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church chooses a Sacramental Sponsor. In the case of individuals who are being baptized, these sponsors are called Baptism Sponsors (or "Godparents"); for individuals celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation they are call Confirmation Sponsors. A Sacramental Sponsor is a representative of the Catholic faith community and a personal role model, confidant, and friend for the individual candidate; they should be chosen by the candidate in consultation with the parish Director of Initiation.
In the RCIA, the Sacramental Sponsor accompanies the candidate through the periods of Enlightenment and Mystagogia, and should continue to play an influential role in the candidate's life after completion of the initiation process.
Parish Sponsors may serve as Sacramental Sponsors if they meet the criteria outlined below; however, candidates do not have to choose their Parish Sponsor as their Sacramental Sponsor.
Sacramental Sponsors must meet the following criteria:
• Be at least 16 years old.
• Be a baptized Catholic who has also celebrated the Sacrament of
• Be participating as fully as possible in the spiritual and sacramental life
of the Catholic church.
• Be an individual the candidate admires and respects as a good role
model of Christian living.
Sacramental Sponsors may:
• Be of either gender.
• Be a relative or friend, but not the candidate’s birth-parent.
• Be the candidate’s Baptism Sponsor (Godparent) if the candidate was
baptized as a Catholic.
• As a general rule the Sacramental Sponsor should not be the
candidate’s spouse or fiance.
Choosing a Sponsor or Companion
Here are some questions a candidate might consider when choosing a sponsor or companion. These are also good questions for a potential sponsor or companion to ask themselves.
• Is this a person of faith? Is he or she actively involved in the spiritual and
sacramental life of the Catholic faith community?
• Is this a person whose life is a good example of the Christian values and
virtues which you will try to imitate?
• Are prayer, service, and commitment a real part of this person’s
everyday life?
• Has this person grown in his or her own faith over the years? Has he or
she struggled to understand the effort, maturity, commitment and doubt
which an adult commitment to Jesus Christ entails?
• Is this person able and willing to share his or her faith experience with
me? Am I able and willing to share my faith experience with this person?
• Is this person able and willing to help me feel welcome in the Catholic
faith community and help me grow in my participation in the Catholic
• Is this person reliable and trustworthy? Can I depend on him or her to
fulfill the responsibilities of a sponsor or companion and to respect my
privacy and confidentiality?
Serving as a Parish Sponsor
If you are interested in serving as a Parish Sponsor in the RCIA or a Parish Team member in the RCRA, contact the Faith Formation Leader in your parish or contact the Director of Adult Faith Formation at 319-233-0498 (email: dbqwcaf@dbqarch.org)
Last Update: 03.12.18